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The Snipe and the Clam

Author:Retold by Song Huazhi,Translate by Liu Jun

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This story comes from Statagem of Yan, Part II of the Stratagems of the Warring States. A clam opens its shells to enjoy the sun. A snipe tries to pick the clam, but the clam snaps its shells tight and catches the snipe’s bill. Neither animal gives in. A fisherman comes and catches them both. This ...
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This story comes from Statagem of Yan, Part II of the Stratagems of the Warring States. A clam opens its shells to enjoy the sun. A snipe tries to pick the clam, but the clam snaps its shells tight and catches the snipe’s bill. Neither animal gives in. A fisherman comes and catches them both. This describes a situation when two enemies are in deadlock and a third party takes advantage of both of them.

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