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Borrowing Arrows With Thatched Boats

Author:Song Huaizhi

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This story comes from the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Looking for a way to humiliate his famous ally Zhuge Liang, General Zhou Yu challenged him to craft 100,000 arrows in just ten days. Zhuge Liang realized it was a trap, but promised to deliver the arrows in just three days! Zhuge Liang t...
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This story comes from the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Looking for a way to humiliate his famous ally Zhuge Liang, General Zhou Yu challenged him to craft 100,000 arrows in just ten days. Zhuge Liang realized it was a trap, but promised to deliver the arrows in just three days! Zhuge Liang took advantage of his suspicious enemy Cao Cao to make good on his word. But how?

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